Energy Orbit Meditation

Beginner I
(18 Reviews)
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Guy guides you gently through this breath-centred internal-energy awareness meditation. It focuses on developing a clear awareness of energy cycling down the front of your body and up the back of your spine, much like the Microcosmic Orbit in traditional Chinese medicine. This is a clearing and centering practice, intended to bring you calmness and clarity. 


  • None


  • Morning
  • Spine
  • Stress/Anxiety


  • Guided Meditation
  • Pranayama Yoga
February 7, 2022

Hi Guy - Thanks for the great inspiration!! Here is a question: doing this practice makes me feel a funny tightness in my throat and a feeling that is almost claustrophobic-- very interesting. Do you have any thoughts or insights about that? I am wondering if it is just a big energy release. Your classes are alway so grounding. Really appreciate it!

Ron Stewart
January 23, 2022

Thank You Guy, I appreciated your calm delivery and invitation to feel these subtle energies, welcoming me down from my head space and into embodiment.