Legs Up The Wall

Beginner I
(40 Reviews)
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Melissa keeps it simple with this short and deeply relaxing class. There are only two poses, legs up the wall and sivasana, and although you may shy away from a class that doesn't have more, it's equally challenging letting yourself do next to nothing for 20 minutes. Also, having your legs up the wall is soothing for your back and legs and helps blood and other fluid drain from the feet.


  • None


  • Gentle Yoga
  • Hatha Yoga
  • Yoga for Back Care
July 31, 2023

Thank you Melissa 🙏🏻😊🙏🏻 I really appreciated this practice today…

April 17, 2020

Pretty perfect for someone with neuropathy in the feet, from sitting at work and driving a lot.
Just love it, much gratitude for your classes.......

Sarah G
December 8, 2016

I've just finished a really stressful week at work and doing this class was just what I needed. Thank you!