Maintain Alignment in Lying Poses

Beginner I
(131 Reviews)
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In this gentle hatha yoga class, David pays close attention to alignment as he guides you through a series of poses that are all done lying down. Many of the poses will focus on the legs and lower back. Check out David's other classes on this theme: Maintain Alignment in A Hatha Flow Class, Maintain Alignment in Standing Poses and Maintain Alignment in Seated Poses.


  • Blankets
  • Strap


  • Flexibility
  • Hips
  • Legs and Feet
  • Lower Back
  • Spine


  • Gentle Yoga
  • Hatha Yoga
  • Yoga for Back Care
January 6, 2023

David, I am doing a cleanse and am feeling weak and yet longing for some yoga. This was just right. Thank you so much.

January 6, 2023

David, I am doing a cleanse and am feeling weak and yet longing for some yoga. This was just right. Thank you so much.

April 8, 2022

Thanks ….I find leg stretches using the strap a welcome ‘opening’ movement for lengthening hamstrings and adding flexibility too. Because I enjoy the sensation I add this movement to my floor practice often with the purpose of keeping strong and straight legs as the years progress.

December 13, 2020

This was far too intense for me. I've been working on hamstring flexibility for more than two years, but still I couldn't get both legs more than 45 degrees off the floor; with one leg down, the other wouldn't lift more than 30 degrees. Even those positions were so intense I couldn't hold them as long as you asked. I'm starting to dread yoga lessons that use a strap to stretch the backs of my legs. Can you recommend an alternative for those of us who just aren't flexible?

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David Procyshyn
December 16, 2020

Hi there. Thanks for the feedback and question. When you're lying on your back, are you able to hold the straps comfortably when your knees are bent?

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December 16, 2020

Yes, with a generous bend in the knees I feel a strong, but not excruciating, hamstring stretch when both feet are in the strap. Bent knees also allow me to get my legs above my pelvis, so I don't need to pull as hard on the strap or my abs to hold them in place. The single-leg variation is more challenging, but I can hold it if I bend both knees: a big bend in the raised knee (not quite a happy baby) and a medium bend in the lowered knee. Thanks for the suggestion.