Yoga Meditations for Sleep

(62 Reviews)
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These four guided meditations are designed to help you fall asleep, stay asleep, sleep deeply and dream vividly. They will help you sleep better, recover from the day and wake up feeling more refreshed and energized than you ever have. In each of the four tracks, David uses yoga nidra, relaxation techniques and a gentle approach to shift your mind and nervous system into a quiet, calm state, ready for rest.

May 26, 2023

I love these meditations! Very helpful. Is there a way to have the session end rather than automatically going on to the next one when it finishes? Thank you.

Comment Replies

Virginia Rego
June 2, 2023

I've noticed that with quite a few of the meditation programs/classes...would be great if they could all be posted as stand alones.

October 12, 2021

I thought I'd give this meditation a try. I awoke this morning surprised to find snow on the ground, broken trees, downed power lines, blown transformers, power outages, and emergency vehicles everywhere. My neighbors said they were up all night listening to the storm. Meanwhile I fell asleep, stayed asleep, and slept deeply. It definitely worked as advertised for me!