Yoga for Seniors: Hips, Knees and Feet

Beginner I
(10 Reviews)
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Michelle takes you through an invigorating sequence of strengthening and stretching exercises for the hips, knees and ankles - all done in a chair! It's a great class for seniors or for anyone with limited mobility. Filmed in beautiful Victoria, you'll thoroughly enjoy being a part of this class!


  • Chair


  • Hips
  • Legs and Feet


  • Chair Yoga
  • Hatha Yoga
  • Yoga for Seniors
July 11, 2018

Thank you for this class,it is helping me stretch/strengthen left leg that I ruptured my tendon 5 mo.ago

February 19, 2018

This is a very good routine for tight hips. I felt better straight away but also, with time, I think the improvement will be even greater. Clear explanation and simple movements at a good pace.

February 13, 2018

Michelle tells us to breath in when the leg goes down and exhale as it comes up. Is she really huffing and puffing like you would need to do to keep up with her? Is the breath supposed to be so shallow that breathing that fast would coincide with the rhythm? gasp, gasp

Thisni Caza
January 5, 2017

Maybe, as a newbie, I have the wrong idea of yoga...I thought this class moved way too fast. I felt more like I was doing calisthenics than yoga. The movements and stretches, I'm sure, were effective, but I'm more used to deliberately moving into a stretch, holding, relaxing, breathing, ETC. I may try the class again, as I can't lay down on the floor, so the seated movements are good for me, but will do slower, more deliberate movements, maybe half-time. I do appreciate this site so much, and the class.