14-Day Yoga Challenge: Day Eight
This is a challenging class, moving you through a well-paced power flow while moving through a creative sequence that pushes your boundaries, provides deep releases for your hamstrings, lower back and shoulders and leaves you feeling a nice, inner calm. Click here to go to Day Nine.
Love this class! Thank you Fiji!
sunshine+green garden+yoga mat+Fiji class=pure bliss
I revisit this fairly often. I really like the shoulder openers and that there is a bit of strength work for the whole body in the class. I love the transition of doing a complex pose and then the appreciation of a simple pose like plank afterwards. Fiji is so good with smooth transitions in general. One question I have for Fiji is regarding putting the elbow behind the neck repeatedly throughout the class. Is there a purpose to this? I think at one point you say it will all make sense in a few moments and then it never did for me.
Definitely my favourite practice so far (this time around doing the challenge, have completed several times before). I love Fiji's calm gentle manner. Softly guiding me into poses that I would often struggle with (maybe mostly in my head!) and stretching my body until I feel utterly fabulous. Thank you Fiji ily xx