Feel Stronger, Be Softer
Discover the ease and effortlessness needed as you draw your power from the inside and connect to your core.Triangle and Fallen Triangle are paralleled gaining poise and play from our personal power centre.
Discover the ease and effortlessness needed as you draw your power from the inside and connect to your core.Triangle and Fallen Triangle are paralleled gaining poise and play from our personal power centre.
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Tracey always gives a challenging and creative class, and this was no exception. Like others have said there was way too much talking for my liking.
Great practice that I come back to. I miss an integrated savasana, so perhaps a generic "Tracey savasana" can be edited into the video so as to end with the traditional sitting closure. I don't mind that it would be spliced in, and it would make a more complete practice.
Relaxing. Thank you
Very rewarding class and so relaxing. Clear & soothing instructions. Thank you Tracey.