Feel Stronger, Be Softer
Discover the ease and effortlessness needed as you draw your power from the inside and connect to your core.Triangle and Fallen Triangle are paralleled gaining poise and play from our personal power centre.
Discover the ease and effortlessness needed as you draw your power from the inside and connect to your core.Triangle and Fallen Triangle are paralleled gaining poise and play from our personal power centre.
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Superb instruction, clear flow
I've been practicing yoga and meditation for almost 50 years and have a 250hr PAYTA (Professional Yoga Therapist Apprenticeship). Tracey, in all my years of experience, you are the pinnacle of evolution in the art of teaching real yoga. Your guidance always opens, releases and challenges my body and mind in a safe, centered way. Thank you. Long may you continue!
The incessant talking in this class made it a challenge to focus on the yoga.
After day 22 I needed to return to one of my favourites: day 8 with Tracey! Thank you for your grace and peaceful flow.