Postnatal Flow
The second of Fiji's Postnatal classes is a bit more challenging than 'Back to the Mat'. This class takes you, as a new mom, through a flow that will bring you back to the level of fitness, strength and flexibility you were used to before having a baby.
Very good practice for me. After a long and complicated illness, it helps a lot to get back on track.
Fiji's classes have always left me feeling good about myself for years. It's good to know there are content for my postpartum body, too. Thanks.
This is just what I needed in a postpartum practice to rebuild my strength. It has also helped my neck and upper back soreness so much!
I appreciate the pace of this. Some days I am stiffer or my internal energy is frazzled or I haven't practiced yoga in a while. It's a treat to have Fiji's fluid choreography and thoughtful words, while enjoying a slower practice. I'd love to have even more slow-medium paced flows by Fiji :)