Root to Rebound
In this practice we look at how we can use the foundations of our hands and feet to create a lightness to our practice, sourcing the ground for strength and support.
Need to take it down a notch? Explore the 2023 Beginner Yoga Journey here.
Key Pose(s) include:
Half Moon
Really reliable re-rooting class to ease back into practice.
Fiji mentioned, "root down to rise up". Great reminder on and off the mat. Another one of her nourishing and energizing classes.
I usually pick a "Fiji Class" when I want to be challenged. I first took this one on a previous challenge and now as the first class in the latest, 2023 challenge. Each time, this was more of a soothing class than I am accustomed to with Fiji's classes. All are great, however.
Great practice to do after returning from vacation and reporting to work. The scenery and sounds were wonderful.