Snail Pose: Opening

Beginner I
(89 Reviews)
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This is the first of a series of two classes that prepare you for a yin pose called snail, or karnapidasana. It's a yoga posture that requires a significant amount of flexibility in your back, particularly your lower back and neck, so it's important to progress toward it slowly and carefully. This is Satiya's special skill, and you'll find this yin yoga-like class to feel wonderfully delicious, rejuvenating and releasing for many parts of the body. It will prepare you for the next class in the series: Snail Pose: Deepening.


  • None


  • Hips
  • Stress/Anxiety
  • Flexibility
  • Sleep/Relaxation
  • Neck/Shoulders


  • Gentle Yoga
  • Hatha Yoga
  • Yin and Yin/Yang Yoga
Dina Handy
August 18, 2017

I just finish this class and it was wonderful. Love her and the way she speaks I can fully understand. I have some problems in my waist and thighs since I had radiotherapy . It hurts when I exercise but I try to be in the same position but in a comfortable way to work the area as she does. Love it. Namaste Sativa.

August 7, 2017

Incredible hip and chest opening. A true journey. Guidance provided gave a real opportunity to open and experience a slight edge. Thank you!

August 6, 2017

Very peaceful, well guided opening for shoulders, back, and hips. Just perfect, thank you Satiya

August 6, 2017

It's a Satiya class, so of course it's excellent. I'm watching both my internal and external practice grow with Satiya, which is such a wonderous thing.

That being said, I think the thumbnail on the front page is not accurate, unless we did a wide legged forward fold that I completely forgot about.