Snail Pose: Opening
This is the first of a series of two classes that prepare you for a yin pose called snail, or karnapidasana. It's a yoga posture that requires a significant amount of flexibility in your back, particularly your lower back and neck, so it's important to progress toward it slowly and carefully. This is Satiya's special skill, and you'll find this yin yoga-like class to feel wonderfully delicious, rejuvenating and releasing for many parts of the body. It will prepare you for the next class in the series: Snail Pose: Deepening.
Satya I love you!! What an incredibly opening and relaxing class-true Satya style!! What a wonderful gift from you and to myself on this Thanksgiving Day!!
Many thanks for a wonderful calming stretch. I can feel that I am getting stronger and more limber with every session in this wonderful series. Thanks!
Thank you Satiya. It's amazing to watch you fold like fresh bread. I'm more like toast which doesn't bend so good... But I can still try and I appreciate your encouragement. I just can't imagine the plough or the snail being in my immediate future. (Might be a good video though.)
This class was a practice in patience. I typically like vinyasa classes. It was good for me to slow down and the hip stretches were excellent. Seems like there were a few poses where we only did one side for a long time and neglected the other side. I felt a little uneven. a good challenge nonetheless.