Total Body Relaxations
Gradually sink into a deep relaxation by dissolving the tension in your body from the tips of your toes to the top of your head. David guides you gently and skillfully as you scan your body and learn to let go completely.
Gradually sink into a deep relaxation by dissolving the tension in your body from the tips of your toes to the top of your head. David guides you gently and skillfully as you scan your body and learn to let go completely.
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really enjoyed this guided whole body relaxation. just long enough for me today.
Hi David,
I just wanted to let you know that I have listened your advice I have tried this same meditation 3 times after and every time I stay focused longer and longer. Just listening your voice. Almost did it till the end last time but got nervous in the end. Tommorow I'm doing it again and hope to complete it. Thank you so much for the reply although I can't find it here but have it my email :)
Take care,