Total Body Relaxations

(24 Reviews)
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Gradually sink into a deep relaxation by dissolving the tension in your body from the tips of your toes to the top of your head. David guides you gently and skillfully as you scan your body and learn to let go completely.

September 8, 2023

David, this has been so helpful as I am dealing with a cycle of panic attacks. Thank you so much.

August 1, 2023

Just what I needed this morning. Have had a tough 48 hours with upper respiratory infection - lots of coughing and not much sleep. The progressive relaxation and infusing myself with warm healing energy settled me into a place of relaxation. A welcome relief and the coughing quieted down too!

July 17, 2023

I love these meditations! I listen most every night. Thank you David. I s there a way to have a recording end when it is done rather than automatically going on to the next one? Thanks.

Comment Replies


I'm so happy you enjoy them! We've looked into this and unfortunately there isn't a way for us to shut off the track auto-start without separating the album at this time. Apologies!

December 3, 2022

I like these and the Nidra Meditations when I need guidance shutting down the mind and getting my body to chill. Bravo David.